Meine Eltern are very big on vegetables and fruits. Now that I spend more time at "the Summer Villa", as my friend sarcastically calls the new house, I need to make sure that the two of us eat enough fruits and vegetables. Fruits no, we are still trying. Because he likes apples and oranges, while I prefer exotic shit. =D
So we up vegetable intake. More like me, since I am the designated cook and grocery shopper. I also note that I spend about 8 hours every week cooking, because I tend to cook from scratch and not buy shortcuts. I need to combine my mis en place hours, or feed the man takeout. Time wasted cooking while I can be reading, painting and writing =D.
I had an awful lot of fishballs, ocotopus balls, foochow balls left because of Chinese New Year. So we are slowly eating through the balls *haha*. I didn't really like the soup, what I liked was the scallop with hairy gourd =D. The chicken, tofu corn is actually a rehash of the 玉米羹 except that it was even thicker, more like a stew.