Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Typing with my eyes half-opened

Am resisting the sleep monster (as Bruder refers to his baby son's fending off exhaustion), as I am typing this. It has been a ruthless quarter, and I think Bär und ich are running ourselves into the ground with no end in sight. Fun times. I cannot even play CoH, knowing that I keep falling asleep in game and will finally eventually get banned by other players =D. Of course disclosing that I am a chick makes me more easily forgiven *shameless*.

So I am doing a round-robin of sorts posting of entries to the blogs (I have three active ones right now, namely My Life as a Tiny Plasticine Penis, Schnappi und Other Krokodil und 你不饿?), attempting to ensure that each one is updated at least once a week during this trying period.

I am also trying to upload backdated photos I found in various parts of my computers. With a combined total of 8 hard disks, and other storage devices, I always find something I forgot somewhere. This being an example. I initially did not want to upload this because it would showcase what a trashy lover I am. But still did, because this was the first ever meal I ever prepared at the new Haus. 

See here? The first and only one dish that was actually made by myself  was the super disgusting paella at the top left side. Quite ashamed to admit that that was the very first dish of many meals I would torture the ungrateful B1 with. I had no choice really because I had been very busy at work (always am, just that this period is worse) and I was flying off to Vietnam the next day.

The rest of the items were thankfully store bought, including the fruits that I cut. It was there and then I decided that I should endeavor to cook from scratch as much as possible and not rely on processed albeit time-saving foods. 

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