Monday, January 21, 2013

Slow poached eggs

[from Momofuku by David Chang and Peter Meehan]

1. Fill your biggest, deepest pot with water and put it on the hob over the lowest possible heat.

2. Use something to keep the eggs from sitting on the bottom of the pot where the temperature will be the highest. E.g. a cake rack or steamer rack.

3. Use an instant-read thermometer to monitor the tmperature in the pot. If it is too hot, add cold water or an ice cube, once the water is between 60 to 63 degree celsius, add the eggs to the pot.l let them bathe for 40 to 45 minutes, checking the temperature regularly with the thermometer, or sticking your finger in the water  (it should be the temperature of a very hot bath water) and moderating it as needed.

4. You can use the eggs immediately or store them in the fridge  up to 24 hrs. if you plan to store them, chill them until cold in an ice water bath. If you refrigerate the egss, warm them under pipping hot tap water for 1 minute before using. 

5. To serve the eggs, crack them one at a time into a small saucer, the thin white will not and should not be firm or solid; top the dish to pour off and discard the loosest part of the white and slide the egg onto the dish it's destined for.

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