Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Japanese Tamagoyaki

I always wanted to make Tamagoyaki because I have this preconceived notion that it is the ultimate dish to put inside a bento, which I used to make for work.

Unfortunately I didn't have the appropriate frying pan. Now that I have bought one for my new kitchen, I decided I must take it out for a test drive.

I know the desired effect is to have a golden yellow Tamagoyaki, but I like golden brown better =D
 So how? Can I be an excellent Japanese Hausfrau now hahaha?
I made Tamagoyaki (technically an inaccurate version because mine has milk and not dashi), rice with endamame, kimchi pork (chucked in some egg tofu) and vegetables suppe.Actually  the kimchi pork doesn't go that well with the soup and the egg, but I was too lazy to go downstairs to the supermarket. Yes, the supermarket is now downstairs, which is why I paid $$$$$$$ for this bloody apartment.

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