Haven't posted much on what is happening to myself recently. I am learning new stuff everyday, reading and making new stuff for the house (not that I am making excuses but lack of zzz is making retention of newly learnt German very schwierig) And I started violin lessons again. I guess buying an expensive violin does help reinforce the commitment to learning it.
I have also been trying out my new kitchen. Yes, my tiny galley-like kitchen. The tiny sink is especially trying, and many a time I have been wondering how my Bruder survives his even tinier kitchen. Just cooking there three times has forced me to become a more disciplined cook, cleaning as I cook. Much to the delight of B1 who does the washing up.
And because I am still treating the place like a chalet, I have to freeze some of the fresh produce or they will spoil. Which is why I had to wait for hours yesterday because I forgot to thaw some of the stuff before I went out. Silly.
We have been using Onkel's tiny brown chair for a dining table (Japanese-style). Ich habe Kung Pao Hänchen, Schwein Ball und Miso Suppe gekocht. B1 und ich lieben essen die Kung Pao.